Go get some pew…….
It’s gunshow time in Knoxville! Come on over to the Expo Center 9-5 Sat and 9-4 Sun and see us! We’re at our regular spot in the back right corner. While it lasts we have multiple flavors of .32 acp, .380 acp, 9mm, .38 spl, .38 S&W, .357 Mag, .40 S&W, .357 Sig, 10mm, .44 Mag, .44 spl, .45 Auto, .45 Colt, .454 Casull, .50 AE, .500 S&W, .223 Rem, .224 Valkyrie, 300 AAC, .30 Carbine, .30-30 Win, .35 Rem, .308 Win, 6.5 Creedmoor, .270 Win, 30-06, 45-70, and 50 BMG. Also plenty of processed brass for the reloaders. Have a great weekend- we’ll see you at the show!
#parabellumammo #pewpew #merica #gunshow #ammo
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