Monthly Archives: September 2013

The truth shall set you free!!!!!

The truth shall set you free!!!!!

Posted in Gun Builds

As I said same basic AK action with a different safety/selector

As I said same basic AK action with a different safety/selector.

Posted in Gun Builds

Same basic AK action with a Yugoslav front end and this on has a…

Same basic AK action with a Yugoslav front end and this on has a copy of the Russian/Bulgarian triangle folding stock.

Posted in Gun Builds

These little M92 hybrids make excellent short work weapons

These little M92 hybrids make excellent short work weapons.

Posted in Gun Builds

From one extreme to the other today. Traditional Russian AKM copy

From one extreme to the other today. Traditional Russian AKM copy.

Posted in Gun Builds

About as much ATI stuff you can get on one!!! All it needs are…

About as much ATI stuff you can get on one!!! All it needs are curb feelers.

Posted in Gun Builds