Monthly Archives: January 2017

Have had a productive day at the booth. Still got to visit with several…

Have had a productive day at the booth. Still got to visit with several friends today. Trinity Brown stopped by. Had a great visit with Gary Hughes and Brent Taylor with Dead Air. Of course I’m across the isle from Yancey Harrington great entertainment value…….

Posted in Gun Builds

For any of my friends that are attending the Shot ‘m helping my friends…

For any of my friends that are attending the Shot Show….I’m helping my friends at SGM Tactical. Stop by booth 857 and say hey!

Posted in Gun Builds

I didn’t realize what shape the shop was in. With almost two years with…

I didn’t realize what shape the shop was in. With almost two years with little activity…… was a mess to say the least. Christopher and I have worked for almost two weeks rearranging things and cleaning. I’ve got a little done but I hope to roll full bore after I get back from the Shot…

Posted in Gun Builds

An AWESOME video from our friends over at Czech-point. The slow-mo is neat

An AWESOME video from our friends over at Czech-point. The slow-mo is neat. us on facebook for more videos, pics, updates, website discounts, giveaways, and more: CzechPoint, Inc. is the U…

Posted in Gun Builds

In Range inc. updated their cover photo

In Range inc. updated their cover photo.

Posted in Gun Builds

Dead Air in the coming soon!!!!!!

Dead Air in the house… coming soon!!!!!!

Posted in Gun Builds

Happy New Year!!!!!! Who is gonna burn a little Russian powder today?

Happy New Year!!!!!! Who is gonna burn a little Russian powder today?

Posted in Gun Builds