Happy Halloween from IN RANGE inc. Get out and enjoy your kids tonight. Be safe!!!
Guys mark this down!!!! Best QD AK mount on the market!!!!!Occasionally blems happen. We plan to blow these white boxes out on #blackfriday — #rsregulate #screwups #ak300 #modularsidemount #ak303m #ak302m #ak307m #ak309m #vzsa #modernsidemount #akoptics #akoperator #akupgrades #whitebox
Here’s a 74 I just finished. Morrisey/DDI receiver. Virgin trunnion. GM nitrided US Barrel. Magpul furniture. Zig Zag brake. E.G. Mag. Taking it to the range at 08:00 plus fuel. Anybody want to go just PM me.
Two really nice 74s for the same customer as the E.G. Rifles earlier. A E.G. 74 and a Bulgy 74. Both shoot like a dream. It’s going to be like Christmas for him with four rifles headed his way!!!!!!
A cool pair of E.G. 7.62 rifles for a customer. First Recreator Blanks receivers I’ve built on. They look good and assembled good. Hope they hold up for the long haul.
Good job on the video Tim!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCLoIorYguU&feature=youtu.beGUN LAW LINK: https://curbelo.house.gov/uploadedfiles/finalbumpstockban.pdf Florida Republican Carlos Curbelo along with 9 other turncoat Republicans introdu…
We at IN RANGE inc. Do not support any NEW bans, restrictions or regulations on firearms or firearms parts.The laws that are on the books need to be enforced. I’m sorely disappointed in the NRA. Here again they are bartering with our rights. It’s so sad that they are the largest firearms lobbying group. They…
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