Just talked to Cinema Weaponry. All of the AKs in The Seal Team series on CBS are the ones we built them. Really cool!!!!!
Just talked to Cinema Weaponry. All of the AKs in The Seal Team series on CBS are the ones we built them. Really cool!!!!!
Christopher running his 12.5” Wolf piston upper pistol with a shockwave blade and M4-2000 can.
A cool piece out of my personal collection. This is the actual HS2000 pistol that Intrac sent to the ATF for import approval in the late 90s. For those that do not know this is the forerunner to the Springfield XD. Intrac sure dropped the ball on this one.
The stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze me…….Gun control groups have a new target: muzzleloaders
Hey guys………don’t forget this sale!!!!!! Best AK mounts in the industry!!!!!!Coming this Black Friday: 50% off cosmetic blem lowers until we run out. We have a limited number, they are 100% functional, just 50% cheaper. — #rsregulate #blackfriday #ak300 #modularsidemount #modernak #modernkalash #ak303m #ak302m #ak307m #ak309m #vzsa #akoptics #akupgrades #akoperator #kalashlife #kalashnikov #kalash #ak #ak47…
Our shop factory full auto East German .22 AK trainer. Another reference firearm that’s a blast to shoot.
IN RANGE inc. wants to send out a sincere and heartfelt “Thank You” to all our Veterans for their sacrifice and service. None better than our US Service people!!!!!!
1989 Russian Tula build. The only IN RANGE registered SBR for sale this year. Battlefield pick up finish. On a form three ready to transfer. Childer’s receiver serialized to kit. AK builder barrel, 45 round mag, drop case, sling and krink cleaning rod. Taking it to the range at 20:00. Let me know if anyone…
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